Language Learning Through Service Learning

The International Academy Network Internship program provides recently- arrived immigrants in the 11th and 12th grade the opportunity to use their newly acquired language skills in a professional context while they explore careers of interest. Students identified a problem within their internship community and worked with their mentor to design a project that would help solve this problem.

Cohort Member: Jovita Gill

Students: High school students at TC Williams High School International Academy

Essential Question: How can I use my English language skills to create and implement a solution to a real world problem in my community?


S.3 Students will speak with linguistic complexity at the discourse level.
S.2 Students will speak with fluency and control of language structures.
S.1 Students will speak with increasing general and academic vocabulary.

W.1 Students will write using general and academic vocabulary.
W.2 Students will write with control of forms and conventions at the sentence level.
W.3 Students will write with linguistic complexity at the discourse level.

Example Projects

Project: Iraq Before and After the War
Goal: Bring awareness of Iraq and its people today.

Project: Build Bridging Competition
Goal: Introducing STEM to “Tweens”