Activist Poem Project

This project is rooted in the essential question, “How can you use your voice for change?” Lessons encourage students to critically think of the ways poetry can be used as a tool for advocacy, collaborate with peers to interpret other poets’ roles in activism, and generate poetry that advocates for their individual beliefs and problems in their community. Lastly, students showcase their poetry in an appropriate and creative way to their chosen audience.


Driving Questions:
How is poetry a form of activism?
How can you use your voice for change?

7th grade students at Francis C. Hammond Middle School

Miriam Kimsey

7.1j Share responsibility for collaborative work.
7.1f Use language and style appropriate to audience, topic, and purpose.
7.5g Describe the impact of word choice, imagery, and literary devices, including figurative language, in an author’s style.
7.7d Organize writing structure to fit form or topic.
7.7k Develop and modify the central idea, tone, and voice to fit the audience and purpose.

Creative Thinking – use literary devices in poems
Collaboration – teamwork and community partners
Citizenship – address societal issues