Project Citizen

Students brainstormed problems they saw in the community. After reviewing statistics about their community and meeting with city officials, students narrowed down their problem. From there, students conducted research and compiled a bibliography. Next, students came up with two possible policy solutions to respond to the problem. In their final presentations, they chose which policy solution was best in addition to compiling/presenting all the research and background from the previous assignments earlier in the year. Topics ranged from addressing youth substance abuse, to the school dress code, to how to support student mental health.

Driving Question:
How can we use public policy to make change in our communities?

8th graders at George Washington
Middle School

Hannah Russell-Hunter


Civics and Economics

1) The student will demonstrate skills for historical thinking, geographical analysis, economic decision making, and responsible citizenship by
a) analyzing how political and economic trends influence public policy, using demographic information and other data sources;
e) constructing informed, evidence-based arguments from multiple sources;
g) taking informed action to address school, community, local, state, national, and global issues;
j) defending conclusions orally and in writing to a wide range of audiences, using evidence from sources.

2) The student will demonstrate personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life by
f) practicing thoughtful decision making; and
g) practicing service to the school and/or local community.

3) The student will apply social science skills to understand citizenship and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens by
e) evaluating how civic and social duties address community needs and serve the public good.

10) The student will apply social science skills to understand how public policy is made at the local, state, and national levels of government by
b) describing how individuals and interest groups influence public policy;
c) describing the impact of international issues and events on local decision making.